The shelter is a not-for-profit government agency that accepts donations of all types. 100% of donations made to the shelter go towards the care of animals and the animal control services. Monetary donations and donations of supplies can be receipted for tax purposes. Tax ID: 93-6002300
Here are some supplies the shelter is always in need of:
-Paper towels
-Disinfecting wipes (e.g., Clorox wipes)
-Pill pockets
-Pate style canned cat food (they love Friskies!)
-Turkey baby food (meat ONLY)
-Dish soap
-Laundry Detergent (liquid)
-Hand sanitizer
-Trash bags (13 or 30 gallon)
-Dog leashes (used are welcome!)
-Dog toys (especially Kong style durable rubber)
-Large size martingale dog collars
-Cat toys
-Kitty litter
Donations may be made in person or mailed to 1420 Brookside Blvd.
THANK YOU to all our wonderful donors!
JoCo Animal Shelter has a wish list on Amazon for some of our most needed items. Follow the link below to view our wish list!
Did you know you can support Shelter Friends by shopping on Amazon? On your Amazon account page, go to Amazon Smile, then choose a charity to support. By choosing the Shelter Friends Grants Pass, OR - they will receive a donation every time you purchase an item through AmazonSmile. To find out more, visit
Help Us Recycle!

We accept (non-crushed) soda, beer, water bottles and cans for recycling. The funds go directly to helping shelter animals! Please drop off your bags at the shelter along the mural wall in the parking lot. We cannot accept milk jugs, juice bottles, or crushed cans/bottles.